Dakota Center for Independent Living

Finding Employment with a Disability

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and what better topic to write about than what it feels like to look for employment when you have a disability. All the steps you take even before you decide to take that first step and get that application, the emotions you go through trying to decide if you can even handle all the stares and questions and the possible rejections because of the disabilities you have. When businesses decide that your abilities greatly outweigh your disabilities and see that you can contribute so much to their company it is a win for both of you.

People always say the first step is always the hardest and that is very true. Trying to find a job when you have no disabilities can be a difficult process but when you are faced with physical limitations or mental health issues it can be even more challenging. Businesses may have to accommodate the work area for you just for you to have that job. That can mean they need to invest some money into making their space work for you. As an employee you may need more time off for doctor appointments or other special appointments that other employees would not need. You may need a few breaks or other special equipment that others do not need. Schedules may need to be more flexible or adaptable than others. Even just trying to get through an interview can be terrifying. What do you say or what can they ask? How much do you need to tell them? It can be difficult to know how to navigate through all the questions just right and show them that you are the right person for the job if just given the chance.

Even though you may be nervous and anxious if you let your abilities shine through the employers who are looking to hire are going to see that. They see that you are not letting these disabilities define you. Those are the people they want on their team. Those are the people who will inspire others. It is your abilities that will get you the job you want and will inspire those business to invest the money to make the changes needed if necessary, to accommodate you. There are already quite a few businesses that do a great job in employing people with disabilities. We just need to keep reaching out and showing other businesses to not look at us like we are a disability but to look at our abilities and see how much we can help their business.

By being employed it not only helps us socially but also economically. We do not feel so isolated and do not have to live on the government alone. We can start earning our own paychecks and feel more empowered. That makes for a great employee.