Dakota Center for Independent Living

Cooling Assistance Available to Low Income Individuals with Medical Needs

Cooling assistance is available for seniors or people with certain medical conditions who qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The heat of summer can really create problems for people with health issues. The cooling assistance program makes funds available to low income households to prevent heat-related illnesses.

The program funds can be used to assist qualifying households to purchase and install an air conditioning unit, repair an air conditioning unit, or to purchase oscillating or window fans. Community Action, an agency located in the state’s eight largest cities, will complete the work.

To qualify, current energy assistance clients under 60 years of age need a signed statement from a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or public health nurse verifying their medical condition and the need for a cooled living space. This information must be provided to the county social service office. Clients over 60 years of age are not required to obtain documentation of a medical need.

People who are not currently energy assistance program clients may also qualify. A three-person household earning up to $43,430 per year may qualify if their assets meet program limits. For information on qualifying incomes, visit www.nd.gov/dhs/services/financialhelp/energyassist.html

Individuals should contact their county social service office to apply for the program before September 30, 2015. Contac t information is available online at www.nd.gov/dhs/locations/countysocialserv/.

Burleigh County: 701-222-6622

Morton County: 701-667-3395