August 2020
We are happy to announce that Dakota Center for Independent Living has received grant funding through the CARES Act to provide vital independent living services and resources to people with disabilities with in the counties of Burleigh, Morton, Kidder, Sheridan, Emmons, Sioux, Grant, Oliver, Mercer, McLean, Dunn, Stark, Hettinger, Adams, Bowman, Slope, Golden Valley and Billings.
Dakota Center for Independent Living believes in empowering people with disabilities by minimizing barriers, advocating for inclusion and promoting consumer choice.
The CARES funding will allow DCIL staff to provide limited assistance in the areas of:
- Life Sustaining Food
- Personal Protection Items
- Transportation Services
- Health and Safety Supplies
- Housing Services
- Assistive Technology Equipment
- Transitioning from a Nursing Facility
- Prevention from entering a Nursing Facility
To be eligible for the CARES Relief Funds the following criteria applies:
Must be a person with a disability or caregiver for a person with a disability. Recipient must reside within the eighteen counties listed above and must agree to become a consumer of Dakota Center for Independent Living. All requests for assistance must be COVID-19 related. Some examples of this might include, but are not limited to: being in an at-risk category for complications, contracted COVID-19 and lost income, hours were reduced by employer due to COVID, was laid off or let go because of the pandemic.
Those with pre-existing medical conditions or compromised immune systems, individuals who have heart disease, lung disease, cancer, high blood pressure or diabetes are also eligible.
If you know of someone in your county that you believe needs one or more of these essential services we are asking you to contact Dakota Center for Independent at 701-222-3636 or We are here to help.