Dakota Center for Independent Living

ADA Celebration

On July 26, 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed the American with Disabilities Act into law which helped millions of Americans with both physical and mental disabilities to have the same opportunities as all other Americans. Also known as ADA, this allowed for access to public transportation, access into public buildings and not being discriminated against for employment due to your disability.

Without this law many of us would not enjoy our lives we have today. Some of us would not be able to get around and see friends or family, go and get even simple things like groceries, or just enjoy being outdoors. Even just getting to the doctor would be difficult. We could not participate in our local government programs and it would isolate us and make us feel lonely. Some of us would not have made through school either. There are so many things we have been able to do because of this and we need to keep fighting for those rights.

Even though we have some limitations in what we may be able to do, there are many things that we can bring to the table and are able to do just in different and unique ways if given the chance. That is what the ADA does for us. It gives us the opportunity to show that we can do it.

So come out and celebrate how far we have come with ending the discrimination against those with disabilities. Enjoy some food, games, friendship and have a great time at the new Eagles Park Universal Playground located at 100 14th St. NE, Mandan. It will be held from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on July 26, 2016. Hope to see you there!!