Dakota Center for Independent Living

Yesterday, Tomorrow, But Today!

Hi everyone, I just want to let you know that I’m still alive and well. I’ve been through some pretty rough times throughout the past year. I had an extremely serious case of pneumonia, a heart attack, cancer, and major intestinal surgery twice. I was in the hospital several times and for several months. Then when I got out, the coronavirus had taken over the world. Because of my weakened condition I was, and still am, very careful about contact with others. Then just when I thought that things might get better, my roommate suddenly moved out without giving me any notice and left me with an apartment that I couldn’t afford alone. You’d think that I would give up after all that, but I didn’t. Thankfully I have some wonderful family, friends, and the DCIL who supported me and helped me get back on my feet. A special thanks goes to Kathy for all the help and kindness that she’s given me.

Now I have a new and better apartment, I’m eating healthier, I’m lifting weights and exercising daily, my health is much better, and I have a more confident and positive outlook on life. I thank God for allowing me to find happiness and contentment. I also thank God for blessing me with the wonderful people who have been such a positive force in helping me to move on and find a new and better life. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. I hope you all enjoy your present every day. God bless.
