Dakota Center for Independent Living

Dakota Center for Independent Living

May is Mental Health Month

mental-health-awareness-month-05022016Oftentimes, when mental illness or disorders are discussed, the language used to describe them is clinical and impersonal. These words don’t often do justice to what life with a mental illness feels like. This year’s theme for mental health month is life with a mental illness.

May is mental health month and it was started 67 years ago to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of good mental health for everyone.  Speaking out about what mental illness feels like can encourage others to recognize symptoms early on and empower individuals to be agents in their own recovery. Prevention, early identification and intervention, and integrated services work.

People experience the symptoms of mental illnesses differently, and sharing how it really feels can help others to understand if what they are going through may be a symptom of a mental health problem. The stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illnesses can be broken down if people start talking about mental health and sharing how it feels to live with a mental illness. Mental illnesses are common and treatable, and help is available.

It’s time to start speaking up about mental illness in real, relatable terms so that people do not feel isolated and alone. This year’s theme—life with a mental illness—is meant to help remove the shame and stigma of speaking out so that more people can be comfortable coming out of the shadows and seeking the help they need.