Dakota Center for Independent Living

The 24th Anniversary of the American’s with Disabilities Act

photo 6This past week, we celebrated the 24th anniversary of the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA). The act of legislation was passed on July 26,1990. In 2008, changes were made with the ADA Amendments Act. The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications and government activities. It was a big leap in the civil rights movement for people with disabilities.

How does someone celebrate the anniversary of the ADA? Well, with a picnic of course! We had the picnic on Wednesday of last week at Sertoma Park and everyone had a wonderful time. The community had a chance to come together for food, games, face painting, music, petting zoo and trivia. The trivia was focused around the ADA which gave us a chance to educate people on what the ADA is and give away some great prizes. The kids loved the petting zoo and the games and had a great time. Everyone that came told us they had a wonderful time and can’t wait until next year.

If you couldn’t make it this year, don’t worry. We will be having a huge celebration next year for the 25th anniversary. We will be updating the details as we get further into the planning process.photo 15