Dakota Center for Independent Living

Dakota Center for Independent Living

Remembering the Good Things

Earlier this month I took a trip with my sister and our kids down to our hometown of Oakes. Our grandma is not doing well so we needed to see her because you just never know what can happen and you need to make sure you tell her you love her and get those hugs in. While this trip did cause some anxiety it was also a great trip not only for me but for my sister and kids as well.

I was able to finally spend some much need sister time that I do not often get. It meant a lot to me and we did not have to do much. My kids now see just how strange their aunt is too. We are too much alike. They loved it. It was great to see the kids having a good time and having fun with their cousin. Even the 17 year old had a good time and that is hard to do. To see the smile on their faces just warms your heart. We had a lot of good laughs and memories to last a long time.

Being in Oakes again after so many years really takes you back. It is one of those towns where you only have one movie theater that goes bankrupt every so often. You have a street light but really do not need it Stop signs work just fine. There is one elementary school and then the Jr/Sr high school. My kids think that is the strangest thing. The hardest thing going back to Oakes this time was seeing grandma. She is my last grandparent and she used to be so vibrant and always had a smile on her face. If she knew you were coming there was so much food ready for you even if you told her not to make any. She loved talking to everyone. Now she is almost completely blind and she can not walk by herself. She just stares off into space and can not really hold a conversation at all. It really makes you sad.

I stop though and I remember this lovely lady has lived a long life and has taught me so much. I have so many wonderful memories of her and my grandpa that I will cherish forever. I know that she is in there somewhere and can hear me. So I am glad we mad that trip and I told her just how much I love her and appreciate her and gave her all those hugs. She gave me go much more.